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Analytics Basics

Studio provides some basic analytic features as well as the ability to easily integrate with popular 3rd party analytics platforms.

Within Studio, you can find the analytics for both at an organization level and app level under the "Analytics" navigation tab.


  • Session A session is typically defined by the 3rd party and consists of a combination of multiple requests either separated by a period of time or, depending on the channel, a new technological initiation.

  • New User A new user is one who has never previously interacted with the application. Users are identified by their unique user ID. If their user ID was reset at some point, the user will appear as new again if they had previously used the application.

  • Returning User A returning user is one has previously interacted with the application and has since returned. A user is identified by their unique user ID. The time between their first use and when they return can be indefinite and they are still a returning user.

  • Total Users Total users is simply a count of all the unique users within a given time period.

  • Total Sessions Total sessions is a count of all the unique sessions within a given time period. It is possible for one user to have many sessions within the same time period.