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Common Errors in Stack Deployment


A status of ROLLBACK_COMPLETE on your CloudFormation deployment means a step in the deployment failed and CloudFormation then automatically removed the resources it already created. You will want to then find

How to find the failure reason?

On the Cloudformation stack detail page, you should see a tab labelled "Events". On this tab is a list of the events created during the deployment for resource creation and deletion. They are in reverse chronological order so on a failure the top status is ROLLBACK_COMPLETE and as you scroll down you will see DELETE_COMPLETE & DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. At some point you will see it switch over to CREATE_IN_PROGRESS & CREATE_COMPLETE and the boundary between the creations and deletions is a CREATE_FAILED. The status reason will contain the relevent information

LexResource CREATE_FAILED Failed to create resource. States.TaskFailed

XAPP-AI-PreCheck-{appId} Failed

The pre-check does a quick validation before the stack deploys to ensure you have properly setup your secret in SecretsManager and are authorized to deploy the stack.

PreCheckResource - Failed to create resource. Unable to start provisioning: Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret.

Follow these instructions here to setup a secret.