OC Studio Starter
- Deployed to your environment
- Lex V2
- Leverages Studio's Content API for Handler & Knowledgebase content
- Monorepo
- AWS Account with administrative access
- Clone a copy of https://github.com/xapp-ai/oc-studio-starter or click "Use this template" on Github
- From project root:
nvm use
yarn install
yarn build
- Create a
file inpackages/oc-studio-starter
with your APP ID from Studio for the app you are going to deploy.
- Add a
, found in Studio under your app's Developer --> Tokens
Create a Lex V2 Instance
- Create a new Lex bot (v2)
- When you create a new bot in the console, it automatically adds a Fallback Intent.
- Update your .env file with the bot ID:
- You can find it when you first click on the bot name.
- Update your .env file with the alias ID for the TestBotAlias:
- Within your bot, look under Deployment --> Aliases, then select TestBotAlias
- It should be
if you copy and pasted from above, this is a constant.
You should only have one item left in your .env
not filled out at this point, the USER_STORAGE_TABLE
, that will be complete after the deployment.
- Navigate to the root of the runtime package:
cd packages/app
- Set your AWS_PROFILE to one that has necessary credentials to launch the stack:
export AWS_PROFILE=your-profile
- Deploy to your desired stage, either staging or production:
yarn deploy:prod
A successfull deployment will look something like this:
yarn run v1.22.19
$ rimraf ./lib && yarn build && serverless deploy --stage production
$ tsc -d true -p .
Deploying studio-runtime to stage production (us-east-1)
Cleaning dependency symlinks
Creating dependency symlinks
✔ Service deployed to stack all-pro-plumbing-app-production (142s)
POST - https://{cloudfront-id}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/production/
POST - https://{cloudfront-id}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/production/{proxy+}
app: studio-runtime-{appId}-app-production (46 MB)
2 deprecations found: run 'serverless doctor' for more details
Monitor all your API routes with Serverless Console: run "serverless --console"
Done in 152.19s.
Your new endpoint for your assistant application will be under endpoints
and your main runtime lambda is under functions
The first endpoint
(without the /{proxy+}
) is how you can interact with your newly created assistant and is what you will use when you setup chat and search widgets.
Updating Lex
With the XAPP CLI, push your model to your Lex bot
xapp push -p l2 -a {appId} --botName {bot-name}
Setting up Chat Widget
- Create a chat widget or navigate to an existing chat widget
- Click the connection icon from the chat widget menu
- Paste the first endpoint URL from the output of your cloudformation script.
- Make sure you select the checkbox next to "Direct"
- Save and test
Updating from Template
We will make updates to the template and you may want to merge them in to your project. This process is a bit manual but the following will allow you to then manually go through all the changes and accept/reject them.
git remote add template git@github.com:xapp-ai/oc-studio-starter.git
Fetch updates
git fetch --all
The merge
git merge template/main --allow-unrelated-histories